Go F*lm yourself

Your weekly YouTube education in five minutes

What to Watch:

How to Film Yourself - Sean Kitching

Sean is a mastermind when it comes to filming, specifically in the realm of filming oneself. He provides some useful tips and tricks - as well as a bit of a philosophy behind it. It’s only a 20 minute watch, but if you don’t have that kind of time this week, then at the end he gives a practical exercise that you can do anytime with hardly any time commitment at all.

Thumbnail Breakdown

Yes - it’s an outlier, but this is a relatively new channel so outlier is a bit of a relative term. 2k average views means that 3.1 isn’t out of the realm of ordinary
1) - Repeat Offense - (No, not Drake) In the thumbnail it reads “The Greatest” and then again in the title it reads “The Greatest” repeated lines in title and thumbnail often bore the viewer
2) - There’s nothing controversial about this. I’m not saying Drake is the greatest, but think about the viewer. Those who like Drake will go “Duh” those who don’t won’t even watch the video.

Creator - SpeakEasyCon


Creator - SpeakEasyCon

Same subject, different take, 100x outlier. Why?
1) This is a challenge. Those who like Drake will go, “What? No way” Those wo don’t like Drake will look for the confirmation bias. People tend to chase the negative when deciding what to watch.
2) The title doesn’t repeat fraud.
3) GOAT is shortened.
4) NEVER is capitalized drawing the viewers attention. Causing the viewer to say “I know not now, but never?” It opens a curiosity gap that the viewer HAS to close.

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Creator’s we love

Flourished Hope: 46k Subs
Liz’s channel focuses on a few different things, but the main niche is journaling/productivity. Don’t be fooled by the nature of the niche, her channel is exploding with views.




Liz is THE case study for knowing your audience. Her thumbnails break rules, her titles break rules. So what is making these videos get hundreds of thousands of views? It’s the ideas, and knowing her audience. Handwriting, journaling, and productivity aren’t things I would normally go out of my way to watch, but someone does. A lot of someones. So - how well do you know your audience? If you’re not getting the views you want, a lack of audience knowledge is probably why - Note: She doesn’t use any crazy editing, but her editing is still GREAT, the videos are worth a watch just to see how she hooks the viewer, and keeps them coming back

Creator News

The Jake Paul fight seemed to be on everyone’s conversations last week, but there’s perhaps another angle to this that we should keep in mind.

The Atlantic


Key Takeaway:
Love him or hate him, he makes waves. In the Atlantic article the writer Spencer Kornhaber goes into detail about what this means for the internet - there were 100+ million viewers for the Jake Paul fight, and Kornhaber calls this the “middle age” for the internet. If this is true, then maybe we are on the verge of a renaissance. This means that now, more than ever it’s well worth it to mark out your place in the digital landscape.

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